Chronicle: Tales of the Sea

I am excited to be showing for the first time at Modern Eden Gallery (San Francisco, Ca). My painting, On The Sea II, will be on display as part of the Chronicle: Tales of the Sea exhibit, opening tomorrow and running until October 12th.

In addition, Monika and I will also have our Royal Loyal's piece, Portal, on display. Be sure to check it out if you are in the San Francisco area!

Modern Eden Gallery, 403 Francisco Street, San Francisco, CA / Opening reception: Saturday, September 14th, 6-10pm


On the Sea II

12 x 16 in. 

oil on board


Young Adult at Gallery 1988

Now You Can Solve Crimes Too!

Nancy Drew Sleuth Kit, Faux Advertisement

8 x 10 in. oil on board

This painting is for the HelloGiggles Young Adult show at Gallery 1988, a show celebrating your favorite childhood novels. I chose to focus on Nancy Drew since I have fond memories of reading plenty of Nancy Drew novels as a young adult.  

The faux 1950's style advertisement was a fun solution for me, since one of the best parts about reading Nancy Drew was being able to step into her character and play out these mystery scenarios in my own life. I still find myself playing detective as an adult from time to time....although now the only "tools" it involves are Facebook and Google.

Be sure to check it out if you're in the area! The opening reception is February 2nd, 7-10 pm, at Gallery 1988: 7020 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles CA

Thoughts on the Internet.

So let's see.....

 If you post pictures of yourself you're vain; pictures of your food you're cliche; pictures of your children you're deleted. If you don't post anything, you're not on the internet, and if you're not on the internet, don't exist.

Ah, whatever...



Zoe-boe counts as a child, right?

Did I mention...

That my best friend is a killer jeweler, and I am so fortunate to have had her make my engagement ring and wedding band.

* wedding band and engagement ring by Monika Krol

You can read about the rings here and see more of Monika's work here!

2012: Milwaukee, Marriage, Murrayed

2012 has been an eventful year to say the least. It started with a big move: leaving behind a sweet job, an awesome town (Asbury Park <3), friends and families, and moving.... to Milwaukee, Wisconsin! There were definitely a lot of crazy looks, and "good luck in Minnesota, that's where Milwaukee is, right?"  But truth be told, as hard as it is being away from everything and everyone I know, Milwaukee. is. Awesome! It is most commonly described as a hidden gem, and I would absolutely have to agree with that. There are so many things that would just not happen back east, like sidewalk bowling with a frozen turkey for instance, or fencing in 300 people to throw tomatoes at each other, or riding around on a school bus, with live music while drinking wine...that's right, drinking wine on a school bus; and unbelievable food and beer and cheese! SO MUCH beer and cheese. And really, who can complain about that? So that being said, I look forward to sharing some more Milwaukee awesome-ness on this blog in the future.

In addition to the move there was also marriage! And a name change! And a new website :)

So 2012 has been a good one, trading in the ocean for a gigantic lake and Rizzolo for Murray. I'm not sure 2013 will be quite as dramatic, but I'm looking forward to it :)